gpsea.view package
- class gpsea.view.GpseaReport[source]
GpseaReport summarizes an aspect of an analysis for the user.
- class gpsea.view.CohortVariantViewer(tx_id: str)[source]
CohortVariantViewer creates an HTML report with the cohort variants.
The report can be either written into an HTML file or displayed in a Jupyter notebook.
See :ref:show-cohort-variants: for an example usage.
- process(cohort: Cohort, only_hgvs: bool = True) GpseaReport [source]
Generate the variant report.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- a report that can be stored to a path or displayed in
interactive environment such as Jupyter notebook.
- Return type:
- class gpsea.view.CohortViewer(hpo: MinimalOntology, top_phenotype_count: int = 10, top_variant_count: int = 10)[source]
CohortViewer summarizes the most salient
aspects into an HTML report.- process(cohort: Cohort, transcript_id: str) GpseaReport [source]
Generate the report for a given cohort.
The variant effects will be reported with respect to the provided transcript.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- a report that can be stored to a path or displayed in
interactive environment such as Jupyter notebook.
- Return type:
- class gpsea.view.BaseProteinVisualizer[source]
The visualizer for plotting cohort variants on a protein diagram.
- abstractmethod draw_protein(cohort: Cohort, protein_metadata: ProteinMetadata, ax, **kwargs)[source]
Draw the locations of the cohort variants on the provided axes.
- Keyword Arguments:
(kwargs) (The function can take multiple keyword arguments)
labeling_method (*) – Valid values of labeling_method are
{'abbreviate', 'enumerate'}
:keyword : :kwtype : param cohort: the cohort to plot. :keyword : :kwtype : param protein_metadata: information for the protein of interest. :keyword : :kwtype : param ax: a Matplotlib
to plot on
- gpsea.view.configure_default_protein_visualizer(random_seed: int = 42) BaseProteinVisualizer [source]
- class gpsea.view.CohortArtist(protein_visualizer: BaseProteinVisualizer, protein_metadata_service: ProteinMetadataService)[source]
CohortArtist draws all types of figures to visualize the salient aspects of the
of interest.- draw_protein(cohort: Cohort, protein_id: str, ax, **kwargs)[source]
Draw the locations of the cohort variants on the provided axes.
See the
for more info about the arguments.
- gpsea.view.configure_default_cohort_artist(protein_source: Literal['UNIPROT'] = 'UNIPROT', cache_dir: str | None = None, timeout: float | int = 30.0, random_seed: int = 42) CohortArtist [source]
Get the default
.- Parameters:
protein_source – a str with the code of the protein data sources (currently accepting just UNIPROT).
cache_dir – path to the folder where we will cache the results fetched from the remote APIs or None if the data should be cached as described by
function. In any case, the directory will be created if it does not exist (including any non-existing parents).timeout – a float or an int for the timeout in seconds for the REST APIs.
- class gpsea.view.ProteinVisualizer(random_seed: int = 42)[source]
Draw a schema of a protein with variants of the cohort.
- draw_fig(pvis: ProteinVisualizable, ax: Axes | None = None, labeling_method: Literal['abbreviate', 'enumerate'] = 'abbreviate') Axes | None [source]
Visualize the cohort variants on a protein diagram.
By default, the legend is drawn to the right of the figure to avoid overlap between the variant markers and the legend.
- Parameters:
pvis –
with information about the transcript coordinates, protein metadata, and the cohort for plottingax – a Matplotlib
to plot on or None if a new Axes should be createdlabeling_method – the strategy for generating labels. Valid values of labeling_method are {‘abbreviate’, ‘enumerate’}
- Returns:
None if an
was provided via ax argument or an Axes created by the visualizer if ax was None.
- draw_protein(cohort: Cohort, protein_metadata: ProteinMetadata, ax, **kwargs)[source]
Draw the locations of the cohort variants on the provided axes.
- Keyword Arguments:
(kwargs) (The function can take multiple keyword arguments)
labeling_method (*) – Valid values of labeling_method are
{'abbreviate', 'enumerate'}
:keyword : :kwtype : param cohort: the cohort to plot. :keyword : :kwtype : param protein_metadata: information for the protein of interest. :keyword : :kwtype : param ax: a Matplotlib
to plot on
- draw_protein_diagram(tx_coordinates: TranscriptCoordinates, protein_metadata: ProteinMetadata, cohort: Cohort, ax: Axes | None = None, labeling_method: Literal['abbreviate', 'enumerate'] = 'abbreviate') Axes | None [source]
- class gpsea.view.ProteinVisualizable(tx_coordinates: TranscriptCoordinates | None, protein_meta: ProteinMetadata, cohort: Cohort)[source]
- property protein_metadata: ProteinMetadata
- property variant_effects: Sequence[VariantEffect]
- class gpsea.view.ProteinVariantViewer(protein_metadata: ProteinMetadata, tx_id: str)[source]
Class to create a pretty HTML table to display the protein information in the Jupyter notebook.
- process(cohort: Cohort) GpseaReport [source]
Summarize the data regarding the protein into a HTML table.
- Parameters:
cohort (Cohort) – the cohort of patients being analyzed
- Returns:
- a report that can be stored to a path or displayed in
interactive environment such as Jupyter notebook.
- Return type:
- class gpsea.view.DiseaseViewer(hpo: MinimalOntology, transcript_id: str | None = None)[source]
- process(cohort: Cohort) GpseaReport [source]
- class gpsea.view.MtcStatsViewer[source]
MtcStatsViewer uses a Jinja2 template to create an HTML element for showing in the Jupyter notebook or for writing into a standalone HTML file.
- process(result: HpoTermAnalysisResult) GpseaReport [source]
Create an HTML to present MTC part of the
.- Parameters:
result (HpoTermAnalysisResult) – the result to show
- Returns:
- a report that can be stored to a path or displayed in
interactive environment such as Jupyter notebook.
- Return type:
- gpsea.view.summarize_hpo_analysis(hpo: MinimalOntology, result: HpoTermAnalysisResult) DataFrame [source]
Create a dataframe with counts, frequencies, and p values for the tested HPO terms.
The HPO terms that were not tested will not be included in the frame.
- Parameters:
hpo – HPO data.
result – the HPO term analysis results to show.
- class gpsea.view.VariantTranscriptVisualizer[source]
VariantTranscriptProteinArtist creates a graphic to show distributions of variants across a provided transcript and its protein product.
- draw_variants(variants: Iterable[Variant], tx: TranscriptCoordinates, protein: ProteinMetadata)[source]